
Burotgor monster legends wiki
Burotgor monster legends wiki

burotgor monster legends wiki

Possession won't work a lot as she would most likely choose one of her extra-turn skills and shrug the Possession off, not to mention her buff move, Fear No Dark.

burotgor monster legends wiki

Any Control that that can outspeed and Freeze her is great.Recommended Relics: Ice-Breaking Greatsword, Soul-Shattering Sword (Only use the latter two if you have a fast denier that can Freeze, Stun, or Possess) Counters Whale Hunter / Star Killer / Shikake Waza.Renzuko Waza (Bleed + Sunburn + Self Extra Turn, 13s, 3 CD).Star Killer is plain better than Whale Hunter due to having a higher power at 65 dmg and a more damaging Torture effect (Sunburn), though Whale Hunter is better against Water monsters. But either Star Killer or Whale Hunter are usually more preferred for the sake of having a damaging move that has no cooldown. For the final skill, Fear No Dark can be used for making your attacks more accurate with Precision. Shikake Waza is an extra turn skill to deal raw damage. Deadly Haiku has a unique AoE Sunburn + Bleed, which even most Light Legendaries don't have. Be Water is basically Angry Xenophagus ( Ixofex) or The Magnificent ( Greedy Dragon) on steroids, and those two skills are owned by Legendaries - that being mainly used for the instant Damage Boost. This set is the most preferred to make use of Kaori's outstanding attack stat. Fear No Dark / Star Killer / Whale Hunter (Fear for Self Precision + Dark Protection + Possession Immunity + Extra Turn, 26s, 3 CD) / (Star for 65 Light dmg + Sunburn, 26s, 0 CD) / (Whale for 60 Thunder dmg + Bleed, 26s, 0 CD).Shikake Waza (45 Thunder dmg + Self Extra Turn, 16s, 4 CD).Deadly Haiku (AoE 35 Light dmg + Sunburn + Bleed, 29s, 2 CD).Be Water (Self-Damage Boost + Water Protection + Freeze Immunity + Extra Turn, 26s, 3 CD).Recommended Movesets Bootleg Mulan (Attacker) She can easily be seen as a border between Epics and Legendaries. Those combined with her good trait and stats make her worthy of the OP rank. She also has heavily damaging moves which also inflict Torture status effects. She has 4 extra-turn moves with low stamina costs (highest being only 26s). Kaori is an extremely overpowered attacker that seriously breaks Epic meta.

Burotgor monster legends wiki